TEST YOURSELF: which Opposition Leader contested a federal election declaring "It's time for a change"? Sorry folks, not Gough Whitlam. It was Robert Menzies.
That's right, the father of the modern Liberal Party employed the slogan as he attempted to unseat Labor's Ben Chifley in 1949.
And who can forget decades later when the Liberal's Andrew Peacock proclaimed: "The Answer is Liberal". Prime Minister Bob Hawke quickly responded: "If the answer is Liberal it must have been a bloody stupid question"
Of course, the more memorable the slogan the more successful. But as the below table — produced by Associate Professor Sally Young — shows, campaign slogans aren't always very original.
The same words and concepts are frequently recycled.
2013 |
2010 |
2007 |
2004 |
2001 |
1998 |
1996 |
1993 |
1990 |
1987 |
1984 |
1983 |
1980 |
1977 |
1975 |
1974 |
1972 |
1969 |
1966 |
1963 |
1961 |
1958 |
1955 |
1954 |
1951 |
1949 |