The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian.
Sally Young

All that was revealed in the third and final leaders' 'debate' were the similarities between the two parties.
James Gray

The Napthine government thought the union movement would deliver it victory courtesy of an anti-union scare campaign. Instead, the unions were decisive in the Coalition's defeat.

The much maligned art of sloganeering has long been central to Australian politics.
Sally Young

How much will the 'PNG Solution' cost? Do people smugglers really have a "business model". Are many asylum seekers "economic refugees"?
Alice He

Daniel Andrews has been officially sworn in as the 48th Premier of Victoria and has unveiled his cabinet, which features nine women. 

How should political parties tackle reform? 
Professor Glyn Davis

Kevin Rudd tried to boost Labor's flagging campaign by talking up the economy and jobs at the party's campaign launch yesterday. But no-one can control economies anymore. Mark Triffitt

Treasurer Chris Bowen and Finance Minister Penny Wong reveal a budget deficit of more than $30 billion. 
Cathy Harper

The polls consistently show the Coalition with a commanding lead .. but what about the 'headline worm'? 
Dr Denis Muller

Issues of corruption within the Australian Labor Party could extend beyond a group of "rotten apple" individuals
Ryan Sheales

Voters deserve an honest appraisal of the party platforms. 
Nicholas Reece

Australians will go to the polls on September 7, after what promises to be a bruising five week election campaign.
Cathy Harper

How I support the Labor Party and still sleep at night.
Laura Soderlind

Now that the election date has been set, will attention turn to policy?
Associate Professor Sally Young
