Sofyan Syamsul, a photographer in South Sulawesi, shares snapshots at the #pemilu2014 polls from the city of Makassar, East Indonesia.


It's Election Day, and what better way to pass the time as you wait for the winner to be declared than with our Election Night Bingo. Let the vote count begin!

Indonesian voters are looking for parties that can deliver clean governance, lower corruption and address popular welfare issues, said Tim Lindsey in an interview with ABC News 24 yesterday.

Daniel Andrews has swept to power with a swing to Labor of more than 2.5 per cent across the state. But while they may have won government, the Upper House could prove hostile to Labor.

For many young voters, the pemilu on April 9 was a 'fun activity' full of selfies and cheap coffee, writes Lily Yulianti Farid, who reports on the mood from polling stations across the country.

The Napthine government thought the union movement would deliver it victory courtesy of an anti-union scare campaign. Instead, the unions were decisive in the Coalition's defeat.

Nirupama Subramanian take us back to the North-east (mainly) for the fourth phase of elections in India. 

There was no escaping the opinion polls this election, with the Victorian electorate's decision to get rid of the inert Baillieu-Napthine Government flagged as early as June, writes Denis Muller.

Last week's parlimentary election did not boost the hopes of those seeking reform in Indonesia, argues Dirk Tomsa. This is a summary of his presentation to the University of Melbourne forum "The Indonesian Election: What Really Happened".


Victoria's 58th parliament will open on December 23 following the election success of the Labor Party. All seats in both the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council have now been declared - take a look at who's who in the new parliament.

The Gerindra party's strong showing in last week's poll was largely bankrolled by Prabowo Subianto's family coffers. Thomas Reuter explores alternatives for funding future campaigns. 

Party loyalty can sometimes be hard to find in cut-throat local campaigns to win seats in the next Parliament. Dave McRae shares some insights from the grassroots.

Revisit the Election Watch/ University of Melbourne School of Government expert forum reflecting on the Indonesian and Indian elections and what they mean for Australia.

Presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto has raised eyebrows by declaring direct elections a Western import.
Dave McRae

Labor’s strong showing in opinion polls is deceptive because it depends very much on Greens preferences, and the situation is also complicated by recent changes to electoral boundaries in Victoria, writes Denis Muller
