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Narendra Modi's foreign policy experience in Gujarat could stand him in good stead if he comes to power in India writes Ashok Malik.

The Indian National Congress is seeking to inspire and stoke feelings of national proide in its latest TV advertisement. 

The delicate, difficult task for the next Indian Prime Minister will be to develop a strategy for dealing with China that capitalises on the benefits of the relationship - trade, investment, cooperation on issues of mutual concern - while minimising the potential for conflict. By Pradeep Taneja.

Many dark and murky corners remain in Indian politics, but 'The Common Man's Party' - AAP - has changed the political landscape, regardless of how it fares in the final count. 

Joy Purkayastha

India's Melbourne-based intelligentsia gathered at the Australia India Institute today to watch the live feed of the count and dissect the Narendra Modi landslide.

India's looming election has more in common with Australia than you might think.
Harsh Shrivastava



Nirupama Subramanian take us back to the North-east (mainly) for the fourth phase of elections in India. 

The Indian Festival of Colours puts a vibrant face on power playing.

Amitabh Mattoo

With the marathon vote building to a crescendo on May 12, some heavy-weight contests are in play in ballot boxes today, the third last voting phase. Ashok Malik surveys the prospects.

Watch independent India's first voter share his story as the country goes to the polls.

The writing was long on the wall for a BJP win and a Congress rout. But the scale of it has left Modi supporters and detractors alike reeling. Was it a victory for policy, or strategy? Mosiqi Acharya investigates. 

With almost half the world's population set to cast a vote in this year, 2014 is shaping up as one of democracy's biggest (and most challanging) years.
Nick Reece


In the second of her election phases series, Nirupama Subramanian reports on the North-East, with 2.7 million voters heading to the polls over four states and six constituencies.

For the determined vote rigger, new technology is no barrier to old-fashioned ballot-box skulduggery. This election, Indian officials are trying to stay a step ahead with a radical technology - the paper trail.
Vanessa Teague 

An Australian TV journalist working in New Dehli provides an insight into the difficulties providing comprehnsive coverage of the sprawling Indian elections. [Video]
