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India's engagement with its neighbours and the wider world has been neglected for too long. Amitabh Mattoo outlines an agenda for the next government.

In the wake of the ruling Congress Party's near annihilation in the polls, the question is on many lips. Is this the end for the Gandhi family and its epic political legacy? By Mosiqi Acharya 

India's general election promises to be louder, bigger and more colorful than the Mardi Gras, the Carnival and La Tomatina put together.
Amitabh Mattoo

On the looming fifth day of India's epic vote the destinies of two celebrity candidates will be decided. Ashok Malik contemplates what their real-life stories reveal of the political landscape.  

'We are the young - why should our attitude be old?' INC's pitch to the massive youth constituency.' (With English translation.)


What is remarkable about the final phase of the Indian election is that the dominant Congress Party is scarcely in contention, writes Ashok Malik.

Your formguide to the figures whose fortunes in the next few weeks of voting will determine India's next government. By University of Melbourne Public Policy Fellow Nicholas Reece and Souresh Roy of the Australia India Institute.


Dr Swati Parashar reviews the recent Indian elections and gives her thoughts on how issues of gender equality were handled.

Bollywood actress-turned model Meghna Patel has staged a nude photo shoot in support of BJP's prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi.

With the marathon 6-week vote now in the home stretch, get up to speed with the politics, the players, and the pretenders in the 2014 Indian election. A primer by Amitabh Mattoo and Nicholas Reece.

With so many contenders for so many votes and so many seats, polling in India has historically been a hit and miss affair. But the science of Indian psephology is evolving. Ashok Malik

The violent masculinity and lack of civility in this campaign have shattered any illusions of a changing public discourse about women's rights in India, says  Swati Parashar.


As India prepares for the world's biggest election, Nirupama Subramanian spoke with ABC Radio National Drive on the logistics of the poll.

New Indian PM Narendra Modi's decision to invite the neighbours to his swearing-in ceremony was unprecedented and, hopefully, will play out as more than a symbolic gesture. By Mosiqi Acharya. Images: Getty

Is the new Aam Aadmi Party — or "common man's party" — Middle Class Radicalism or India’s New Political Zeitgeist?
Amitabh Mattoo
