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The writing was long on the wall for a BJP win and a Congress rout. But the scale of it has left Modi supporters and detractors alike reeling. Was it a victory for policy, or strategy? Mosiqi Acharya investigates. 

With almost half the world's population set to cast a vote in this year, 2014 is shaping up as one of democracy's biggest (and most challanging) years.
Nick Reece


In the second of her election phases series, Nirupama Subramanian reports on the North-East, with 2.7 million voters heading to the polls over four states and six constituencies.

For the determined vote rigger, new technology is no barrier to old-fashioned ballot-box skulduggery. This election, Indian officials are trying to stay a step ahead with a radical technology - the paper trail.
Vanessa Teague 

An Australian TV journalist working in New Dehli provides an insight into the difficulties providing comprehnsive coverage of the sprawling Indian elections. [Video]

Voting begins in the epic 2014 Indian election tomorrow. In the first in a series profiling the character, history and expectations of the various regions as they get their turn to vote, Nirupama Subramanian visits the remote north-east.

Narendra Modi has never been part of India's cliquish political culture. But his BJP's aggressive, unwavering, focused strategy has capitalised on a dynasty's complacency and a nation's hopes. By Pradeep Taneja.

As the Indian election looms, the nation's industrialists and media powerbrokers are performing a delicate dance of influence.
Swati Chaturvedi.

Varghese K George profiles Rahul Gandhi, a most unlucky and unlikely politician, despite his dynastic lineage. 

The sheer scale of the Indian elections can be mind boggling. Here are a few key dates and maps to help.
Ryan Sheales

Regardless of his party's final vote, Arvind Kejriwal has transformed India's political landscape. Mosiqi Acharya profiles the man whose anti-corruption zeal struck a nerve and triggered a movement.

Despite the street protests over attacks on women in India in recent years, issues of violence, gender and women's representation have been largely lost in the election campaign, argues Swati Parashar.

The monumental scale of the BJP's "Modi-slide" - and the humiliation of the ruling Congress party - is explicit in contemplating the breakdown of seats in the next Indian Parliament. 

A serious policy debate is required about the enormous challenges facing India’s system of education.

Fazal Rizvi

As voting in the epic five-week ballot reaches the half-way mark, Nicholas Reece and Souresh Roy provide a formguide to the parties to watch - their histories, their values, their prospects.

