Spring Street's best journalists, along with commentators from both sides of politics joined Election Watch for a night of analysis and debate of the issues affecting Victorian voters. Watch it here.

Many dark and murky corners remain in Indian politics, but 'The Common Man's Party' - AAP - has changed the political landscape, regardless of how it fares in the final count. 

Joy Purkayastha

More than a million Victorians will be excluded from voting in the November 29 state election. Heath Pickering says it's time to include children in the voting pool.

Helen Pausacker goes through the key facts and figures for Indonesia's Legislative Election tomorrow. 

They both wore blue suits, showed discipline and sang from the campaign songbook. Andrea Carson on the 'tepid and predicatable' leaders' debate.

In the second of her election phases series, Nirupama Subramanian reports on the North-East, with 2.7 million voters heading to the polls over four states and six constituencies.

The media is backing the Denis Napthine-led Coalition to govern Victoria for another four years, despite opinion polls showing voters are likely to toss out his government at tomorrow’s election.

Sofyan Syamsul, a photographer in South Sulawesi, shares snapshots at the #pemilu2014 polls from the city of Makassar, East Indonesia.


It's Election Day, and what better way to pass the time as you wait for the winner to be declared than with our Election Night Bingo. Let the vote count begin!
