
University of Melbourne students on the week that saw Kevid Rudd oust Julia Gillard.

The Farrago Team

The Liberals claim power prices have gone up 94% under Labor. Is that true? 
Dylan McConnell

How exactly are young people consuming political news? 
Aaron Martin

Grab your diary, pick up a red pen... here are the key 2013 election dates explained.
Nicholas Reece

Join University of Melbourne students as they discuss Tony Abbott’s daughters, and whatever pirates and sex have to do with the election. 
The Farrago Team

As we prepare to vote on Saturday, are we mainly considering our own hip pocket or longer-term issues about the good of society? Karen Block

An easy infographic that tells you where Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd campaigned, and what they did.
Election Watch team

The mainstream media needs to change the way it reports politics.
Margaret Simons

"Turning back the boats" and Australia's relationship with Indonesia.
Michael MacWilliam

Treasurer Chris Bowen and Finance Minister Penny Wong reveal a budget deficit of more than $30 billion. 
Cathy Harper

Join University of Melbourne students as they look at the best and worst campaign ads and discuss the chances of Peter Beattie and the Greens.
The Farrago Team

All that was revealed in the third and final leaders' 'debate' were the similarities between the two parties.
James Gray

The economic case for dropping our obsession with budget surpluses.
Professor Guay Lim

Pretty pictures to help you understand Senate preference flows. 
Election Watch team

Kevin Rudd personally supports gay marriage. What might this mean for marriage equality post-election?
Graham Willett
