
The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian.
Sally Young

Where will the result of the federal election leave the issue of gay marriage?
Claire Boland

An easy infographic that tells you where Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd campaigned, and what they did.
Election Watch team

Labor and the Coalition should commit to lowering the company tax rate. 
Michael MacWilliam

Transparency and accountability are key tenets of democracy, and are the main platforms of the Wikileaks Party and the Pirate Party of Australia. 
Maya Borom

The leader of the Coalition Tony Abbott has declared Australia under new mangement and open for business. Cathy Harper

Following the election of the Coalition to government, all but one of the seven members of NBN Co have handed in their resignations.  Emma Dawson

Voters are in for a wild ride with the facts as politicians and their advisors ramp up their rhetoric and spin ahead of the federal election.
Neville Norman

Will Kevin Rudd's leadership reforms prevent brutal leadership spills? 
Nicholas Reece

The Opposition's climate spokesman, Greg Hunt, has delivered a major pre-election policy address. Watch the video or read our Storify report.

Is Rupert Murdoch opposing Labor's re-election because of the NBN? 
Emma Dawson

Was Joe Hockey right when he claimed that only 2% of Australians under 50 earning $100,000 are women? 
Chris Lloyd

High education hasn't been a central issue in mainstream media. But voters do care. 
Gwilym Croucher and Sam Rosevear

Your quick guide to the uncertain composition of the Senate. Cathy Harper

University of Melbourne students on the week in politics, the Midwinter Ball and Wikileaks Party candidate Julian Assange. [Audio]
The Farrago Team
