
University of Melbourne students on that thing called the economy, September 7 and exactly how many pollies are Slytherins…
The Farrago Team

Find out what happened when group of Australia's top political journalists gathered to discuss election reporting.
Ryan Sheales

High education hasn't been a central issue in mainstream media. But voters do care. 
Gwilym Croucher and Sam Rosevear

The leader of the Coalition Tony Abbott has declared Australia under new mangement and open for business. Cathy Harper

News Ltd is widely perceived as being anti-Labor. How will it respond to the Coalition in government? Dr Denis Muller

The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian.
Sally Young

The Opposition's climate spokesman, Greg Hunt, has delivered a major pre-election policy address. Watch the video or read our Storify report.

Is Rupert Murdoch opposing Labor's re-election because of the NBN? 
Emma Dawson

Labor and the Coalition should commit to lowering the company tax rate. 
Michael MacWilliam

Tony Abbott says "trust me" in relation to costings. Wes Mountain

Your quick guide to the uncertain composition of the Senate. Cathy Harper

Following the election of the Coalition to government, all but one of the seven members of NBN Co have handed in their resignations.  Emma Dawson

A nationally representitive survey has found Australian politicians are failing to engage or build a sense of trust with voters just months out from the federal election.
Aaron Martin

School funding is important, but money alone won't fix the problems confronting our education system.
Field Rickards

Are Australians under more financial pressure than they were 10 years ago? 
Roger Wilkins
