
Your quick and easy election night guide to help you make sense of each seat.
Maria Rae

How often did you hear during this election campaign that it was a choice of the least worst option? Associate Professor Sally Young

Did sexism impact on the fate of Julia Gillard?
Lauren Rosewarne

Labor announces major changes to asylum seeker policy.
Jonathan Schultz

A September 7 election saves Australians the folly of a planned referendum on constitutional recognition for local councils.
Bronwyn Hinz

Voters got some insights from last night's people's forum. 
James Gray

The polls consistently show the Coalition with a commanding lead .. but what about the 'headline worm'? 
Dr Denis Muller

As widely indicated by opinion polls, voters have punished the Labor government. Cathy Harper

Meet the dozens of new MPs that were elected on September 7th.
Maria Rae

This election, voters could ask whether Australia could be a diplomat, rather than a deputy in the Asian century.
David Malet

Why do politicians increasingly use spin?  
Mark Triffitt

The economic case for rising above politics and embracing an increase in the GST. 
Professor John Freebairn 

Was Joe Hockey right when he claimed that only 2% of Australians under 50 earning $100,000 are women? 
Chris Lloyd

Voters deserve an honest appraisal of the party platforms. 
Nicholas Reece

Kevin Rudd concedes defeat and will step down as Labor leader. But his valedictory speech set a tone of vindication. Cathy Harper
