Why do politicians increasingly use spin?  
Mark Triffitt

Sometimes the only thing that will get noticed in an election campaign is an orange fish costume. Cameron Wheatley

Education continues to be at the forefront of the campaign, with millions of dollars in funding promised. But Stephen Dinham argues these announcements largely fail to address the underlying issues.

The ALP and Coalition's different language about climate change reveals how they might handle international climate talks.
Robyn Eckersley

So you think you're a politics tragic. But do this quiz: you'll be surprised.  Associate Professor Sally Young

Oral health is a significant public health issue in Australia and yet it is often neglected in government health-related polices. Lisa Gibbs says governments should be working harder to put a smile on your face.

Getting to the heart of the parties' policies is not as easy as you might think. Learn about the struggles the Election Watch team encountered on the hunt for policy.

The Abbott government considers implementing its policies. Wes Mountain

Throughout the election campaign both parties have been keen to spruik their educational credentials.  Suzanne Rice and Kira Clarke look at just how their policies stack up? 

The Federal Government could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year without affecting patient outcomes
Terence Cheng

We've seen the emergence of 'fact-checking' in the media. What about 'promise checking'?  
Associate Professor Sally Young

The issue of how best to deal with asylum seekers seeking to reach Australia by boat is one of the most controversial. 
Melissa Phillips

Voters frequently lament the government-of-the-day's perceived lack of action and vaguely demand it "does something".
Ryan Sheales

Now that the election date has been set, will attention turn to policy?
Associate Professor Sally Young

The 2013 election campaign was a policy vacuum.
Barry Jones
