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The opinion polls continue to look bad for Labor, but are the right questions being asked? Dr Denis Muller
Voters got some insights from last night's people's forum. James Gray
All that was revealed in the third and final leaders' 'debate' were the similarities between the two parties. James Gray
University of Melbourne students on the week that saw Kevid Rudd oust Julia Gillard.
The Farrago Team
Kevin Rudd makes his exit as Prime Minister and party leader. He'll sit quietly on the backbench .. won't he? Wes Mountain
Our resident cartoonist explains how Kevin Rudd went about fixing his cabinet Wes Mountain
An easy infographic that tells you where Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd campaigned, and what they did. Election Watch team
Kevin Rudd personally supports gay marriage. What might this mean for marriage equality post-election? Graham Willett
The 2013 election campaign was a policy vacuum. Barry Jones
Will Kevin Rudd's leadership reforms prevent brutal leadership spills? Nicholas Reece
The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian. Sally Young
Quickly identify the keywords and themes from Kevin Rudd's National Press Club address. Cathy Harper
Rudd's “new agenda” speech is an attempt to to reach out to key constituencies: marginal voters, the major employer groups, unions, and small business. Peter Gahan
Australia must temper its impulse to be paternalistic towards PNG Jonathan Schultz
While Kevin Rudd's advice about shaving in a hurry might seem a little banal, his political strategy is not. Andrea Carson