Quickly identify the keywords and themes from Kevin Rudd's National Press Club address.
Cathy Harper

Australians will go to the polls on September 7, after what promises to be a bruising five week election campaign.
Cathy Harper

A debater's take on the success or failure of first leaders' debate.
James Gray

Opinion polls suggest support for Labor has plateaued and is subsiding slightly.
Dr Denis Muller

The opinion polls continue to look bad for Labor, but are the right questions being asked? 
Dr Denis Muller

Voters got some insights from last night's people's forum. 
James Gray

Join University of Melbourne students as they discuss Tony Abbott’s daughters, and whatever pirates and sex have to do with the election. 
The Farrago Team

All that was revealed in the third and final leaders' 'debate' were the similarities between the two parties.
James Gray

Tony Abbott says "trust me" in relation to costings. Wes Mountain

Tony Abbott says he would break the Coalition's pledge on greenhouse reduction targets if it cost more than expected.
Wes Mountain

Kevin Rudd makes his exit as Prime Minister and party leader. He'll sit quietly on the backbench .. won't he? 
Wes Mountain

The Abbott government considers implementing its policies. Wes Mountain

An easy infographic that tells you where Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd campaigned, and what they did.
Election Watch team

The 2013 election campaign was a policy vacuum.
Barry Jones

The Coalition might find dealing with the new Senate is like herding cats. Dr Damon Alexander
