Top Stories

The much maligned art of sloganeering has long been central to Australian politics.
Sally Young

What the major opinion polls tell us up to the start of campaigning. 
Adrian Beaumont

Clive Palmer and Bob Katter both want to make a splash on the national stage this election. But are they contenders or crazies?
Dr Damon Alexander


Kevin Rudd concedes defeat and will step down as Labor leader. But his valedictory speech set a tone of vindication. Cathy Harper

University of Melbourne students on the week in politics, the Midwinter Ball and Wikileaks Party candidate Julian Assange. [Audio]
The Farrago Team

Labor announces major changes to asylum seeker policy.
Jonathan Schultz

Opinion polls suggest support for Labor has plateaued and is subsiding slightly.
Dr Denis Muller

Kevin Rudd tried to boost Labor's flagging campaign by talking up the economy and jobs at the party's campaign launch yesterday. But no-one can control economies anymore. Mark Triffitt

Voters frequently lament the government-of-the-day's perceived lack of action and vaguely demand it "does something".
Ryan Sheales

Kevin Rudd personally supports gay marriage. What might this mean for marriage equality post-election?
Graham Willett

The importance of independently verifying a politically-charged photo. 
Denis Muller

Will Labor's proposal to create a northern economic zone work?
Stephanie Gale

How I support the Labor Party and still sleep at night.
Laura Soderlind

This election, voters could ask whether Australia could be a diplomat, rather than a deputy in the Asian century.
David Malet

Rudd's “new agenda” speech is an attempt to to reach out to key constituencies: marginal voters, the major employer groups, unions, and small business.
Peter Gahan
