Top Stories

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser reflects on presidential-style politics, media stunts, twitter and Rupert Murdoch.
Andrea Carson

Pretty pictures to help you understand Senate preference flows. 
Election Watch team

UPDATE: Rudd to bring forward the ETS
Peter Christoff

A month after Julia Gillard's ousting as Prime Minister, how is her legacy viewed? 
Kate Fahall

Tony Abbott's self described "signature policy". 
Wes Mountain

As we prepare to vote on Saturday, are we mainly considering our own hip pocket or longer-term issues about the good of society? Karen Block

Some Labor MPs are increasingly coy about which party they represent.
Ryan Sheales

The Liberal Party has unleashed an advertising blitz to counteract renewed media interest in Labor’s Kevin Rudd.
Bronwyn Hinz

A September 7 election saves Australians the folly of a planned referendum on constitutional recognition for local councils.
Bronwyn Hinz

Does Australia have a bloated middle class welfare system? 
Joey Moloney

Your quick guide to the uncertain composition of the Senate. Cathy Harper

The mainstream media needs to change the way it reports politics.
Margaret Simons

The ALP and Coalition's different language about climate change reveals how they might handle international climate talks.
Robyn Eckersley

What do the latest VoteCompass results tell us about leaders' debates, 'trust' and what's happening in QLD. [audio]
Nicholas Reece & Mark Triffitt

The polls consistently show the Coalition with a commanding lead .. but what about the 'headline worm'? 
Dr Denis Muller
