Top Stories

When will we go to the polls? The only certainty is it has to be before November 30.

Nicholas Reece

The treatment of Australian livestock overseas has shocked Australians, but will the election make any difference?
Siobhan O'Sullivan

Why electronic voting isn't as risk-free as it may seem.
Dr Vanessa Teague

Putting the Coalition’s much anticipated schools policy under the microscope. (A.K.A.: What are independent public schools?)
Bronwyn Hinz

Meet some of the contenders for the new Senate. It's an unsual mix.
Maria Rae

How might voters react when a political candidate pledges not to do things?
Ryan Sheales

The Coalition announces a military-led response to people trying to reach Australia by boat. 
Wes Mountain

The opinion polls continue to look bad for Labor, but are the right questions being asked? 
Dr Denis Muller

A philosopher's view on political debate and fact checking— why it’s a good thing whether we agree on the facts or not.
Professor Greg Restall

Australians voted in a very different federal election 100 years ago: the two-party system was yet to dominate and there weren't any opinion polls.

John Murphy

Membership of political parties seems to have lost its appeal. 
The Election Watch team

Australians will go to the polls on September 7, after what promises to be a bruising five week election campaign.
Cathy Harper

It's been a busy and complex week of polling, with data at the national, state and individual-seat level. Here we try to disentangle them.
Dr Denis Muller

As widely indicated by opinion polls, voters have punished the Labor government. Cathy Harper

University of Melbourne students on the week that saw Kevid Rudd oust Julia Gillard.

The Farrago Team
