Opinion polls suggest support for Labor has plateaued and is subsiding slightly.
Dr Denis Muller

A rev-up in campaigning has failed to have a big impact on voters, with the latest polls showing Labor still holding a commanding lead. Denis Muller and Adrian Beaumont look at the numbers.

The opinion polls continue to look bad for Labor, but are the right questions being asked? 
Dr Denis Muller

The majority of Victorians support same-sex adoption, more TAFE funding, and the right to wear the burqa. They also want the East West Link built, Vote Compass results show.

It's been a busy and complex week of polling, with data at the national, state and individual-seat level. Here we try to disentangle them.
Dr Denis Muller

There was no escaping the opinion polls this election, with the Victorian electorate's decision to get rid of the inert Baillieu-Napthine Government flagged as early as June, writes Denis Muller.

Clive Palmer and Bob Katter both want to make a splash on the national stage this election. But are they contenders or crazies?
Dr Damon Alexander


Elections are won or lost in marginal seats. This analysis examines the electorates that will decide who reigns supreme on September 7th.
Dr Scott Brenton. 
