Campaign Ads

The Democratic Party's (Partai Demokrat, PD) pro-people programs, specifically its assistance for fishermen and education, are the focus of this campaign ad.

This Golkar Party policy advertisement pledges priority and investment in improving education for Indonesian children.

Behold the BJP’s victory song in all its technicolour glory (with English translations). 'Let's blow the conch, let's beat the drum ... we're all going to prosper'

As the July 9 election date looms, the parties pump up their advertising campaigns. Here's the latest from the 'Jokowi-JK' team (with English translation).

The latest Gerindra Party campaign advertisement has voters dancing in the streets: 'I believe Indonesia will move forward'. You can watch it (translated) here.

There's some slick campaigning coming from the 'Jokowi-JK' PDI-P camp. Check out this latest television advertisement: 'Because we are the future'. (With English sub-titles.)

In 2012, back when Joko Widodo was campaigning to be Governor of Jakarta, a slick music clip captured the frustrations of young voters in a crowded city, and helped build the image of the now Presidential frontrunner. 

Partai Keadilan dan Sejahtera, otherwise known as PKS or the Justice and Prosperous Party, have been targeting younger voters in the lead up to the 2014 elections, like this ad above. 

"Jokowi for President" is the latest and the most popular political campaign ad from the PDI-P, following Jokowi's official announcement to run for presidency on 14 March 2014.

The presidential candidate from PDI-P, Jokowi, encourages people to exercise their voting rights on election day.

Prabowo, the presidential candidate and leader of Gerindra Party, promises to restore Indonesia's nationalism in this ad calling for his election to the presidency.

Fronted by former President BJ Habibie, this ad calls for voters to consider female candidates in their voting considerations. The ad was produced by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection and funded by the UNDP.