A reformed journalist's memories from an election campaign bus
Margo Kingston

With almost half the world's population set to cast a vote in this year, 2014 is shaping up as one of democracy's biggest (and most challenging) years.
Nick Reece

Some Senate ballot papers are going to be so large this year electoral officials have ordered magnifying glasses to help voters. Really.
Wes Mountain.

With the marathon 6-week vote now in the home stretch, get up to speed with the politics, the players, and the pretenders in the 2014 Indian election. A primer by Amitabh Mattoo and Nicholas Reece.

Membership of political parties seems to have lost its appeal. 
The Election Watch team

When the ballot boxes finally close on 12 May, the horse-trading for power begins in earnest. Who are the regional and minor parties whose allegiences will shape the next Parliament? Grant Wyeth explores India's crowded political landscape.

Swinging voters are a particularly volatile part of the electorate. 
Sally Young

Singer Tex Perkins is the latest celebrity seeking to enter politics. Dr Lauren Rosewarne asks whether a candidate's celebrity status is the best guage of their potential political effectiveness. 

How exactly are young people consuming political news? 
Aaron Martin

To what extent are voters engaged in the election and election issues? 
Cathy Harper

Why are politicians generally viewed as untrustworthy? 
Dr Jackie Dickenson

Clive Palmer and Bob Katter both want to make a splash on the national stage this election. But are they contenders or crazies?
Dr Damon Alexander


Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser reflects on presidential-style politics, media stunts, twitter and Rupert Murdoch.
Andrea Carson

A philosopher's view on political debate and fact checking— why it’s a good thing whether we agree on the facts or not.
Professor Greg Restall
