Tomorrow India will have a new Prime Minister. The smart money says it will be the BJP's polarising Narendra Modi. Veteran Indian political commentator Swapan Dasgupta, visiting Melbourne, contemplates what that will mean.
University of Melbourne Indonesia specialist Dr Dave McRae contemplates the implications of Tony Abbott's visit to Jakarta on the relationship between the two nations. Image: Getty
One candidate accuses the Australian Government of “phobia”, the other of a “lack of trust”. As Avery Poole explains, the signals for Australia-Indonesia relations are not good, regardless of who wins on 9 July.
Poor handling of spying revelations and a unilateral ‘stop the boats’ policy have aroused Indonesian ire. Icy relations seem set to endure with PM Abbott's decision not to go to Bali. Tim Lindsey explains.
New claims about the conduct of Operation Sovereign Borders has further eroded Indonesia's relationship with Australia, Indonesian politics analyst Professor Tim Lindsey has warned.