Meet some of the contenders for the new Senate. It's an unsual mix.
Maria Rae

On the eve of the poll that matters, Dave McRae reflects on the campaign and attitudes of Indonesian voters as they head to the ballot box.

As political campaigns become more slick, the price of party success skyrockets, encouraging corruption. Thomas Reuter explores how this plays out in Indonesia, and suggests some solutions.

There was plenty of money and promises, but overall the Liberal Party's campaign launch was lacklustre and without a game-changing moment, Denis Muller writes. 

University of Melbourne students on the week in politics, the Midwinter Ball and Wikileaks Party candidate Julian Assange. [Audio]
The Farrago Team

Skipping school? Get the PM to write your teacher a note 
Wes Mountain

Join University of Melbourne students as they look at the best and worst campaign ads and discuss the chances of Peter Beattie and the Greens.
The Farrago Team

"You're the voice, try and understand it .." What was Julian Assange trying to achieve? 
Maria Rae

Voters frequently lament the government-of-the-day's perceived lack of action and vaguely demand it "does something".
Ryan Sheales

Under the law, quotas for female representation in Indonesia appear remarkably progressive. In reality, the political realm is still hard going for women, Lily Yulianti Farid explains.

In the wake of the ruling Congress Party's near annihilation in the polls, the question is on many lips. Is this the end for the Gandhi family and its epic political legacy? By Mosiqi Acharya 

Daniel Andrews promises to end the long drawn-out paramedics dispute and increase ambulance response times if elected.

University of Melbourne students on the week that saw Kevid Rudd oust Julia Gillard.

The Farrago Team

Why do politicians increasingly use spin?  
Mark Triffitt

Tony Abbott and Kevin Rudd both rule out deals with cross benchers to form government.
Wes Mountain
