Some Labor MPs are increasingly coy about which party they represent.
Ryan Sheales

Rudd's “new agenda” speech is an attempt to to reach out to key constituencies: marginal voters, the major employer groups, unions, and small business.
Peter Gahan

EXCLUSIVE: Election Watch has been granted rare access to former Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser's entire 1977 campaign diary, including handwritten notes.
Associate Professor Sally Young

Elections are won or lost in marginal seats. This analysis examines the electorates that will decide who reigns supreme on September 7th.
Dr Scott Brenton. 

Kevin Rudd makes his exit as Prime Minister and party leader. He'll sit quietly on the backbench .. won't he? 
Wes Mountain

'We are the young - why should our attitude be old?' INC's pitch to the massive youth constituency.' (With English translation.)


The writing was long on the wall for a BJP win and a Congress rout. But the scale of it has left Modi supporters and detractors alike reeling. Was it a victory for policy, or strategy? Mosiqi Acharya investigates. 

There's a lot to be cynical about when it comes to taxpayer-funded advertising in Victoria. Yet there's no sign it'll vanish anytime soon. Jackie Dickenson explains. 

Australians voted in a very different federal election 100 years ago: the two-party system was yet to dominate and there weren't any opinion polls.

John Murphy

The Liberal Party has unleashed an advertising blitz to counteract renewed media interest in Labor’s Kevin Rudd.
Bronwyn Hinz

Opinion polls suggest support for Labor has plateaued and is subsiding slightly.
Dr Denis Muller

Join University of Melbourne students as they discuss Tony Abbott’s daughters, and whatever pirates and sex have to do with the election. 
The Farrago Team

No surprise - the Coalition won. But here's your one-stop-shop for each House of Representatives seat. Maria Rae

With so many contenders for so many votes and so many seats, polling in India has historically been a hit and miss affair. But the science of Indian psephology is evolving. Ashok Malik

Narendra Modi has never been part of India's cliquish political culture. But his BJP's aggressive, unwavering, focused strategy has capitalised on a dynasty's complacency and a nation's hopes. By Pradeep Taneja.
