Will young voters "like" Kevin Rudd as much the second time around?

Aaron Martin

Why is Australia's company tax base being eroded?
Professor Miranda Stewart

Daniel Andrews pushes his key messages on TAFE funding, level-crossing removal and ending the ambulance dispute, saying it's about "putting people first".

Our resident cartoonist explains how Kevin Rudd went about fixing his cabinet
Wes Mountain

The opinion polls continue to look bad for Labor, but are the right questions being asked? 
Dr Denis Muller

Tony Abbott morphs into Denis Napthine in this Labor ad that highlights federal government cuts as a reason not to vote for the Liberals at a state level.

CARTOON - Which leader will progress to the next level?
Wes Mountain


Voters got some insights from last night's people's forum. 
James Gray

Daniel Andrews uses the Ford factory - where manufacturing will cease in 2016 - as a backdrop to sell his jobs message to voters.

Labor has unveiled a positive TV ad to reframe the political debate and counter Coalition attacks. 
Ryan Sheales

It's been a busy and complex week of polling, with data at the national, state and individual-seat level. Here we try to disentangle them.
Dr Denis Muller

Ballarat has been a key election battlegroung this campaign with both sides releasing ads targeting the area. Here's Labor's.

The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian.
Sally Young

All that was revealed in the third and final leaders' 'debate' were the similarities between the two parties.
James Gray

The Napthine government thought the union movement would deliver it victory courtesy of an anti-union scare campaign. Instead, the unions were decisive in the Coalition's defeat.
