Top Stories

Our resident cartoonist explains how Kevin Rudd went about fixing his cabinet
Wes Mountain

"I'm Instagraming, I'm Tweeting, I'm eating with Keating..."
Melbourne University
Law Review


Join University of Melbourne students as they look at the best and worst campaign ads and discuss the chances of Peter Beattie and the Greens.
The Farrago Team

Voters deserve an honest appraisal of the party platforms. 
Nicholas Reece

The Coalition might find dealing with the new Senate is like herding cats. Dr Damon Alexander

The 'average' member of cabinet/shadow cabinet is very different to the 'average' Australian.
Sally Young

The Federal Government could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year without affecting patient outcomes
Terence Cheng

Find out what happened when group of Australia's top political journalists gathered to discuss election reporting.
Ryan Sheales

Sometimes the only thing that will get noticed in an election campaign is an orange fish costume. Cameron Wheatley

Think you know where you stand on the various parties' policies? Test yourself using Vote Compass, an interactive tool to really get you thinking about policy.

"Turning back the boats" and Australia's relationship with Indonesia.
Michael MacWilliam

The economic case for rising above politics and embracing an increase in the GST. 
Professor John Freebairn 

Join University of Melbourne students as they discuss Tony Abbott’s daughters, and whatever pirates and sex have to do with the election. 
The Farrago Team

Kevin Rudd makes his exit as Prime Minister and party leader. He'll sit quietly on the backbench .. won't he? 
Wes Mountain

CARTOON - Which leader will progress to the next level?
Wes Mountain

